South Vietnamese love

South Vietnamese


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  • Senator George McGovern, the last-minute peace candidate at the Chicago convention, blurted out what many were trying to avoid saying when he called South Vietnamese vice president Nguyen Cao Ky a "little tinhorn dictator" and accused him and other South Vietnamese officials of holding up peace negotiations.

    1968 the Year that Rocked the World Kurlansky, Mark 2004

  • If we’re bombing South Vietnam, that’s because we’re defending South Vietnam against somebody, namely the South Vietnamese, since nobody else was there.

    Think Progress » Tony Blair agrees that Iraq has 2006

  • "There is this misconception that the South Vietnamese were a bunch of cowards.

    Victoria Advocate stories: News 2008

  • I said, Mr. Secretary, why is it that if you have a unit made up of South Vietnamese soldiers, with our uniforms and our equipment, trained by our best people, fighting their conationalists who are Vietcong or Pathet Lao, in their black pajamas with no equipment, that their fighters are the best in the world and ours are the worst?

    The Good Fight Walter F. Mondale 2010

  • I said, Mr. Secretary, why is it that if you have a unit made up of South Vietnamese soldiers, with our uniforms and our equipment, trained by our best people, fighting their conationalists who are Vietcong or Pathet Lao, in their black pajamas with no equipment, that their fighters are the best in the world and ours are the worst?

    The Good Fight Walter F. Mondale 2010

  • I said, Mr. Secretary, why is it that if you have a unit made up of South Vietnamese soldiers, with our uniforms and our equipment, trained by our best people, fighting their conationalists who are Vietcong or Pathet Lao, in their black pajamas with no equipment, that their fighters are the best in the world and ours are the worst?

    The Good Fight Walter F. Mondale 2010

  • Less than 6,000 United States marines and South Vietnamese rangers—backed by our tremendous air capacity—pinned them down, kept them away from the populated areas at the peak of the winter-spring offensive, and imposed heavy casualties.

    Burial for a King Rebecca Burns 2011

  • Counter-insurgency was not going to end corruption in the South Vietnamese government, nor was it going to tip control in the north.

    Neil McCarthy: The Professor in Me Neil McCarthy 2011

  • Counter-insurgency was not going to end corruption in the South Vietnamese government, nor was it going to tip control in the north.

    Neil McCarthy: The Professor in Me Neil McCarthy 2011

  • Over the past seven weeks, six thousand marines and South Vietnamese soldiers had been under siege, as forty thousand NVA forces surrounded their hilly fortress.

    Burial for a King Rebecca Burns 2011


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